I have been working for Astrocast.TV for more than a year now. Producing A Green Space - A Green Earth has been hard work, but particularly awarding for me personally as I have learned about a completely different world: the world of broadcasting and journalism.
From within science I had already been devoting time and resources on outreach and user linkage strategies related to geodesy and Earth observation. It was, and still is, a challenge to communicate the importance of a scientific field that almost no one have even heard of - geodesy. But I had not really 'gotten my hands dirty' with writing let alone producing any video material until I was contacted by Astrocast.TV.
In A Green Space - A Green Earth I cover both a larger and a narrower field. Earth observation is of course more than geodesy, but geodesy is more than space geodesy. I cover Earth observation from space for Astrocast.TV.

I am proud to work with the highly professional people at Astrocast.TV and of course delighted to be a member of an award winning organization. This year, again, Astrocast.TV was a multiple winner of Telly awards.
So, what's with the lilies, already?
You may have noticed that my middle name is 'Lilja'. That is Norwegian for 'lily' and I have a personal website named Lilja - A bouquet of stories about the Earth. When the news about Astrocast.TV winning 4 Telly awards announced I was generously congratulated with the words 'A lily for a lily'. I can share the images of the lovely bouquet (of real lilies, no Earths') but I regret I cannot share the wonderful scent that filled my living room for days. :-)
Congratulations! -Mark Changizi
Thank you, Mark! :-)
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