Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mining Chile

Mining Chile

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Talk about down under. Deep under the surface of the Earth as we see it from space in the satellite image above, resides more than 30 Chilean miners 700 meters under ground. I certainly hope they succeed in getting those brave workers up on the right side of the surface of the Earth again.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Equinox Sun

Equinox Set In Iron

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Credit: NASA

Of course I mean more precisely and actually correct 'The Sun as seen by the light emitted from iron'

All the same, it is a lovely picture of our dear Sun on this day of equal duration of day and night...

GPS Makes Mountain Higher

GPS Makes Mountain Higher

That headline of mine is bullshit of course. :-) GPS measurements are more precise than photogrammetry though, and new measurement of this Welsh mountain manages to 'move' it over the 1000 meter threshold. I would not call it a super mountain though...:-)

Blue Diamond

Blue Diamond

Thank you ever so much MBMC :-)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mass Movements

Mass Movements

No, it is not activism or political mass movements we talk about, but the mass that is displaced continuously here on planet Earth. We track it down by using satellites.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Moon Over Blue

The Moon Over Blue

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Credit: NASA

I just adore these images of the Moon above our blue planet.

Barred In Space

Barred In Space

Credit: ESO

Space advocacy by Stellare! :-)

Norway And Russia Is True


Finally after several decades of dispute over national borders (maritime borders), Norway and Russia have agreed how to divide their marine territories. All set for business now!

A lot of hard science went into that process, let me tell you...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Spiral In Space

A Spiral In Space

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Credit: ESA, Hubble, R. Sahai (JPL), NASA

I just dig this mystery spiral in space. Most likely a double star system, but we don't know exactly how this works. Cool.



Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Except in Norway, of course! This summer felt colder than usual - and it was too. Confirmed by NOAA.

Smoking Hot

Smoking Hot

Of course, NASA can't say what I am about to say right now:

Will you look at that smoking hot Siberian version of Uma Thurman already!?

I just had to. :-)

Here she, Elena Kukavskaya, is in smoke as well, if you don't believe me. The smoke I mean.

Uma Thurman, the actress

Background: Russia has suffered from an abnormal amount of wildfires due to dry weather this summer. Wildfires are part of the natural processes of the Earth system, but we are getting more vulnerable to them simply because we are a lot more people than we used to. It is reasonable to examine closer the link to climate change as well.

Wildfires as seen by ESA's ESR-2 and Envisat in the period 1996-2010. The Russian wildfires this summer are the worst in 14 years. Click on image to see the gorgeous large version of this map.



Just because, of course! :-)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Hard Science Saves Lives

Hard Science

Saves Lives

Most people aren't aware of this fact. And a fact it is. Read and learn. :-)

Nano Skin

Nano Skin

Nanotechnology is totally fascinating. Now we can get artificial skin - should we need it. I hope I don't ever will, but good to know anyhow. :-)



Well, how about some Mandelbrot for the week-end? Delicious! :-)

A Flock Of Birds

A Flock Of Birds

Or satellites....some 1220 of them will fly in the years to come.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Useful Bugs

Useful Bugs

Thriving in dirt, cockroaches can help save human lives with their brains (well...the chemicals in their brains that is ;-))



Photo: Cole Thompson

A Cat State

A Cat State

Not what you would think, Xineann... ;-)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Bubble in Space

A Bubble In Space

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Credit: Dave Jurasevich